Pet Loss: Coping with the loss of a pet

Pet Loss: Coping with the loss of a pet
8 Ways to cope after losing a pet
Losing a pet is more than just losing an animal. It is often compared to the same grief that one experiences through the loss of a person. Our pets are always there for us. Never saying a word, in our language that is, but always with ears open and love to give. As humans we all need love and saying goodbye is always the hardest. So, when you find yourself at the end of their life, what can you do to help get through the grief? Here are a few ideas that may help you or help you help a friend or loved one.
- A pet memorial gift. Framed photo, keychain, ornament, memorial stone/marker, bracelet, or necklace are all good options to show your condolences.
- Light a candle on holidays or on a special day of remembrance to help feel closer to them.
- Plant a tree mixed with their ashes as a living reminder of your sweet friend.
- Host a memorial service to celebrate the life and love they gave.
- Cremation and urns. Sometimes you want those ashes inside and close by. A traditional urn or customized urn is a beautiful way to do just that.
- Speaking of ashes, did you know ashes can be turned into jewelry?! Yeah, it’s a thing! Cremation jewelry is an incredibly meaningful way to preserve your fury (or not so fury) friend.
- Talk about your pet! It’s okay to remember the sweet moments and quirky traits they had. Feelings are healthy and talking can help or even writing about them can bring some peace. You could also join a support group for pet loss and share your feelings and story there.
- For some, Volunteering can help you feel close to an animal again when you’re not quite ready to foster or adopt a new pet yet. Doing good, feels good. Which is good for a healing heart.
In the end, time is really what makes moving on easier. You will still long for those sweet kisses and snuggles, it just won’t hurt as much.