Quick Guide to Helping Neglected and Abandoned Pets

Pet memorials picture of dog

If you’re like most other animal lovers, seeing neglected, abandoned, or abused pets breaks your heart. It probably stirs up righteous anger and moves you to do something about it! The good news is that you can help pets in need with just a bit of your time, energy, or money. Check out this quick guide from Melton Memorials to start helping pets in need within your community.


Assess Your Home Life


The best way to start helping pets is to ensure you’re practicing what you preach at home! Giving your own fur friends the best life possible is key, and can sometimes be a little perplexing. These concepts and resources will help you take things to the next level!


  • Vet care can be expensive, but pet insurance is one way to keep costs down. You can also contact your local shelter to see if they offer vouchers or coupons for a local clinic.
  • If you’re a dog owner, basic care includes walking them around your neighborhood each day or finding a local dog park where they can exercise.
  • Before adopting or fostering a pet, make sure you can make the commitment and handle the responsibility.
  • Do you have a dog with achy joints, a disability, or just short legs? A Ruff Ramp can help your beloved canine with getting in and out of your house, reducing wear and tear on Fido’s body and improving quality of life for your household.


Volunteer Locally


Chances are your community has at least one animal rescue group or shelter looking for volunteers. Get out there and get started!



Donate What You Can


You don’t have to be rich to be generous. Consider donating any amount you can to a local organization.


  • Contribute funds to rescue and animal shelters in your area to cover the costs of cleaning supplies, bedding, and food.
  • Donate through major retailers in your community that offer donation programs at the checkout counter.
  • Offer to cover veterinarian bills for pet owners who cannot afford it.


Contribute However You Can


No matter where you live, abused, neglected, and abandoned animals need assistance and love. Move past the heartbreak and start getting involved in your community to help pets in need. Whether you donate items like crates and bedding or start your own animal-focused nonprofit, find your niche and give back however you can. You will be making a big difference in the lives of countless innocent animals.


Melton Memorials is here to help you honor your beloved pets. Let us know if you have any questions!


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